Custom text not showing up on New Universal Login

Continuing the discussion from Custom Text Not Showing Up:

I am receiving the same error and cannot find any piece of the Classic Login turned on.
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This is happening on both of my tenants.
Where should I look for settings that would trigger this warning?

I have disabled the Login, Password Rest and MFA toggles for custom HTML.

Thanks for your help.

Hi @mrvinch,

The “Text Customizations applies only to New Universal Login” error happens if you have override the New ULP experience by enabling the Classic Universal Login custom HTML page templates. These templates include the Login, Password Reset, MFA pages.

If you’ve disabled these toggles but are still encountering this issue, I recommend referring to the knowledge solutions below for more help:

Please let me know if you are still having issues even after reviewing the knowledge solutions.


Thank you.
This information led me to the solution, which was a mis-match between the Login Flow (Applications>[Application Name]>Organisations and the template I was editing for the Custom Text under the New Universal Login.
I switched to the combination of “Prompt for Credentials” and the Login-id template and the changes are visible and working well.

Appreciate the support, thank you.

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Hi @mrvinch,

Great to hear that it’s working now and thanks for sharing your solution with the rest of the Community.

Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do to help.


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