Auth0 by Okta Community Ask Me Anything with Self-Service Subscriptions and Billing

Auth0 by Okta Community Ask Me Anything with Self-Service Subscriptions and Billing

The Auth0 Community is excited to invite you to our next interactive online Ask Me Anything (AMA) session on Thursday, November 16, 2023, featuring the Self-Service Subscriptions and Billing Team.

Wondering how to make any changes to your Auth0 plans and billing? Haven’t been using your account for a bit of time and considering a refund? Want to make any changes to your subscription plans or maybe even combine them? No matter what kind of self-service plan from Auth0 you are using, we’ve got you covered! Adeel Mustafa, Director Product Management at Auth0 will answer all your burning questions related to self-service subscriptions and billing.

How will the AMA session work?

From today, October 26 to Wednesday, November 15, 2023, you can ask your questions by replying to this community topic using the ‘Reply’ Button. Then, mark your calendars for Thursday, November 16, between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. PST, when our product experts from the Auth0 Self-Service Subscriptions and Billing team will provide you with comprehensive written answers. As a bonus, your participation will earn you points and a special badge.

What you’ll gain from participating?

  • Best practices for getting the best out of Auth0 self-service plans and billing
  • How to get around unused tenants and unneeded self-service plans
  • All things Auth0 invoices, taxes, receipts
  • How to combine billing for multiple tenants
  • How to cancel, change, downgrade your subscription
  • And many more!

Ask Questions here by hitting the reply button! Be sure to submit your questions from today, October 26 to Wednesday, November 15, 2023.

Featured Expert

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Adeel Mustafa is a Product Management Director in the Developer Experience Organization, where he is working under its growth division.

This is part of a bi-monthly interactive online AMA series that invites the Auth0 by Okta Community to engage with various Okta subject matter experts.


Does Auth0 have any plans in the near future to make any adjustments to the pricing plan?



What if we have a few tenants on the same self-service subscription? Can we somehow combine pricing, invoicing, etc. for all of them?


Let’s say our business is growing and we need to scale our Auth0 solutions and eventually switch from self-service plans and go higher on the Auth0 pricing ladder. What are the steps to follow here?



What does it look like in general if we want to switch from a self-service subscription plan to a free one?


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What does it look like in a situation where I have a self-service plan from Auth0 but we’ve lost access to it for some reason for a longer period of time and didn’t notice that. There was actually little to no activity recorded on the tenant. Are we still going to be charged for that?

Thanks in advance!


As a customer we can basically see going to Auth0 pricing what each subscription plan offers, can you share some context from your perspective apart from what is clearly visible if there are any additional advantages of upgrading to a higher subscription plan that an Auth0 novice cannot see?


We have recently announced Teams Subscriptions which are specifically designed to address this challenge for self-service users, allowing you now to link multiple tenants to a single subscription. Please do refer to our pricing page for further details like how many tenants are allowed per plan.


We strive to continuously refine the value that is available to our users in the different plans we offer. A big example of that is our recent launch of Teams Subscriptions. In coming days we plan on tweaking which plan mixes are available as part of self-service, including add-on options as well as the Monthly Active User limits to hopefully have more choices for our self-service users.


There are two parts to this answer. The first where you have options to move to higher self-service subscriptions and it’s completely self-managed from the dashboard. You can visit the subscription page and select from available options to simply upgrade to your required plan.

The second part is when you might be considering an upgrade from a self-service subscription to a customized agreement, and that also is a very straightforward process. It starts with using Contact Us to get in touch with an expert that can assist in navigating available options and eventually switching over to one that you prefer. Meanwhile your current subscription continues to function till you are ready to switch over.

Your tenants and relevant configurations and users would stay in tact, with only the relevant subscription details updated upon upgrade.


It is a very simple process. For our legacy plans, you can access the subscription page in tenant settings, while those on Team Subscriptions can access the subscription page on Team settings. Both will provide for a simple downgrade to “Free” which cancels your paid subscription and your plan is updated to a Free plan instead.


It really depends on the plan. Our Free plan requires no credit cards or payment details and there is no charge on those, irrespective of whether they are actively being used or not.

For paid plans though, you will continue to be charged based on the plan you subscribed to. This should show up on your defined payment method along with a confirmation of successful payments from our side so ideally it should not go unnoticed.

We also recommend that our users invite other admins where possible and also offer account recovery options (eg. reset password), and the ability to setup multiple auth factors to reduce risk of a lost access. You can also contact our support team and they can assist with recovery options where possible.


The pricing page (particularly the compare plans section) is the best view of the differences between our subscription tiers.

In broad terms, as you scale up from Free to Essentials to Professional to Enterprise plans, you not only have a better feature availability, but also you get higher performance (eg. rate limits), better support, and even more add-ons options.


I would like to cancel a subscription since the person who subscribed no longer works at our company. We are unable to access the account to get in and cancel.


Hey there @jenna !

We’re happy to help with that! Can you contact our @support group through a private message here in the forum sending potential details they will need for verification like the email + the tenant name. They will take it from there! Thank you!

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