Users are not fully deleted

Hello! I’m having an issue that users are not fully deleted, is the same issue that on this post

Can somebody help me?

Hi @flopez,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Could you please confirm if you have tried deleting the user using the Management API’s Delete a connection user endpoint or the Delete a user endpoint?


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Hi! Thank you for your response! I tried to use the “delete a user endpoint”

Hi @flopez,

Thanks for replying.

What were the results you experienced after deleting the user? Are you still able to see the user in the database?

Yes I’m still able to see the user in the list, but when I try to see the details, the message “Error! The user does not exist.” appears, also I’m not able to create a new user with this phone number because apparently already exists but can’t use it because is “deleted” :frowning:

I saw on the other thread that de search index was out of sync, is that something that I can fix somehow?

Hey. Thanks for reaching out.

I just tested the API endpoint in my environment and it was successful. It got deleted in Auth0 dashboard as well.

Please make sure that you are using Auth0 ID of the user instead of email ID in API Path. For instance - auth0|6544b2d6427fb9f27623e168

Let me know if that works. Thanks!

Have a nice day!!

Yes I made sure to use it, also tried to delete it from the dashboard and ir still appears with this error, but is shown on the list of users.

It appears that is something that had happened before, on the link in the first message I sent here, could it be the same problem?

Seems like I’m not the only one with this issue and is solved from the inside, can you help me with that? Also I delete a lot of users for automated testing so I want to know how to prevent this from happening

Hey. We will check internally and get back to you on this. Thanks.

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Thank you! Did you get any further information?

Hi. Thanks for your patience.

Not yet ! We are still checking internally and awaiting their response. We will let you know as soon as we got an update.


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Hi there! Is there an update with this case?


Our community engineers are already following up on this case. They will reach out to you directly in case of any new updates. Thanks.

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Sure, thank you for the follow up

Hi @flopez,

I understand that you are still experiencing issues with deleting your user.

I am going to create an Engineering ticket to have them take a look and see if it’s an index sync issue. I’ll follow up once I have an update.


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Hi! Yes, I’m still having this issue, thanks for the follow up, I’ll be waiting for the update

Hi @flopez,

Could you please share the tenant name you are experiencing this issue with? I currently see that you have two tenants under your account.


Hi! The tenant in which I’m having this issue is eagle-regression

Hi @flopez,

Thank you for that info. I will pass this information to our engineers and keep you posted on any updates.
