Deleted Users Through Auth0 Dashboard Not Removed And Inaccessible

Users are deleted from via the Dashboard menu and still showing in the list. When trying to navigate to the users landing page this error is shown:

Error! The user does not exist.

Using the management API does not delete the users either.

This issue has only occurred since approximately the same time as the Google login issues.

Thank you.

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I assigned the users a Role through the Users Selection screen and then was able to get into the individual users page. Then coming back to the User selection screen I was able to delete the users and they were removed from the list.

I think there is some sort of bug in this issue, but I am unable to determine what it is.

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Hey there @matt2!

That’s weird! Let me contact our dashboard team to check it out with them. Could you send me via private message your tenant name and those user ids that you are “deleting” ?

Hey there @matt2!

Have you seen my previous message?

I’ve just got the same problem, did you get any solution to that?

Hey there Robert!

Would like to help you with that! Can I ask you to do this?

Have you had a chance to check my previous message?