[URGENT] Unable to log into master account


I attempetd to log into my account today and the following happened.

  1. I go to https://auth0.com/
  2. I attempt to login with email and password
  3. I get promted to change my OTP (no idea why this happend)
  4. I change my OTP and update my password manager.
  5. I login
  6. I logout
  7. I attempt to login and get an error The code you entered is invalid

This is a production account and we have some issues we need to fix ASAP for clients please please help, thank you !

Marking this question as solved as it was handled via DM

I have the same issue - hoping for a DM too.

You have to message there here on this platform. There is a area to message support privately, i lost the link to it.

Thanks, I will hunt it out. Not the morning I was planning…

Here it is

and here

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