I'm having trouble logging into Auth0

To briefly explain the situation, it is as follows:

I am trying to log in, but the screen shows the following message:
“Verify Your Identity. Check your preferred one-time password
application for a code.” It has been about two month since I last
attempted to log in, and I don’t remember seeing this screen before.
Is there a way to resolve this? I do not have the recovery code, and I
don’t have any OTP connected either.

Hello @eubean7 ,

Welcome to the Auth0 community!

It seems that there might be an error regarding your MFA. You should submit a Multi-factor Authentication reset request.

I am attaching a Knowledge Solution that should help you do just that: Account Locked: MFA Resets Requests

I hope this was helpful and if you have more questions don’t hesitate to come back to the community.


Dear Tudor Smeu,

Thank you for your response. I wanted to send a message similar to the one shown in the video you shared in your link. However, I can’t find the message option on my screen. Could you please advise me on how to proceed?

I appreciate your help in resolving this issue.


I removed a spam suspicion from your account, could you try again?

Thanks to your help, I was able to send an email to the support team.
Thank you once again.

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