I’m using the Auth0 Authorization Extension to manage users, and have a Rule set up with custom claims. I switched to the Node 8 runtime and everything is working still, but I noticed that within my rule there’s a webtask.io URL:
var EXTENSION_URL = https://<me>.us.webtask.io/<key>
Do I need to update this to the .us8 format? Do I need to do anything to or within the “Auth0 Authorization” extension?
@nselikoff are you referring to the Authorization Extension’s auto-generated Rule auth0-authorization-extension
? This should not be affected by the Node 8 migration.
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@kimcodes that’s correct. I copied and edited the auto-generated Rule auth0-authorization-extension
(to add custom claims) and disabled the initially auto-generated Rule, so I wanted to make sure I didn’t need to make any changes manually.
@nselikoff that’s great! thanks for checking with us
please let us know if you do encounter any unexpected behaviour or any other questions/concerns.
@kimcodes Hi, just making sure what does this mean then https://auth0.com/docs/migrations/guides/extensibility-node8#authorization-extension-urls? I thought that one refers to auth0-authorization-extension
? I tried to change to https://.au8.webtask.io/, but I can’t login (it says invalid API key) after that. I ended up revert back with https://.au.webtask.io/ and it works
Also I don’t quite understand about https://auth0.com/docs/migrations/guides/extensibility-node8#sso-dashboard-urls. Where can I find the URL? I can’t find https://.au8.webtask.io/auth0-sso-dashboard/admins/login nor https://.au8.webtask.io/auth0-sso-dashboard/login in the allowed callback URL under tenant settings.
Hey there @andre.hermanto93!
Kim is no longer working at Auth0. As I didn’t lead the topic let me get some info on it and do some research and get back to you soon!
Thanks for replying. Do you have any info yet? I’m just afraid that it’ll break my app as it says on the 30th May that it’ll automatically do the migration.
Didn’t have time yet to do some more thorough research yet but basically Auth0’s internal runtimes for extensions, rules, hooks, custom DB connections, and custom social connections are being upgraded to Node 8. This should not have any effect on your external applications that use Auth0, regardless of their runtime. Only code that runs inside your Auth0 tenants will need to be upgraded.
@konrad.sopala Can you clarify what you meant by “Only code that runs inside your Auth0 tenants will need to be upgrade”? What do you mean by “Auth0 tenants”?
I changed our Auth0 account to use Node 8 and then changed the auto generated rule to reference us8.webtask
instead of us.webtask
as stated in the Migration Guide, but received an “Invalid API Key” error. Is this something we need to do before June 19th deadline? If we don’t have any other rules besides the “auth0-authorization-extension” that was generated by Auth0 that uses the “us.webtask”, do we need to do anything for the migration?
Hey there @strianta!
Inside Auth0 tenants we mean basically all the code like extensions, rules, hooks custom DB connections and custom social connections code that you can modify let’s call it using Auth0 dashboard so basically only there. No changes in your client side apps (the code you develop yourself) required.
We have some rules and hooks that appear to not need any migration, but we would like to try it. However we’ve been running into an issue with the auto generated “auth0-authorization-extension” rule returning “Invalid API Key” when switching to Node 8 and updating the “EXTENSION_URL” to “us8.webtask” instead of “us.webtask”.
Two Questions:
- Will the auto generate “auth0-authorization-extension” be updated June 19th?
- Do you have any suggestions on how to fix that error or can you point us to some documentation? We don’t have a DEV environment so all changes would be affecting PROD.
@konrad.sopala Do you have any suggestions on how to move forward to ensure that we have a smooth transition? Like I mentioned in my last comment we do not have a dev environment to test these changes.
We would really appreciate any help/suggestions that you can provide to ensure that our PROD environments does not get impacted.
Hey there!
Sorry I didn’t see your last message. Let me ask the team responsible for that change what is the best way to proceed and get back to you!
Hi @konrad.sopala! Do you have any updates from the team responsible for that change? With the cut off date only a week away, we would like to try to do everything we can prior to have the smoothest transition possible.
Sorry didn’t get the answer yet. I’ll do my best to move the thing forward today and get you the answer for that! Pinging the team in a moment!
Hi there.
Once you upgrade your Node environment to v8, you should to to the Authorization Extension’s configuration page, rotate the API key and publish the rule again.
Rotating the key will solve the “Invalid API Key” error. Republishing the rule will replace the webtask URL with the new us8
Hi @strianta. Did the above solve your issues?
Hi @nicolas_sabena can you just help me where to find the configuration settings.
Hi @nicolas_sabena. We didn’t get to try until this morning. However I don’t see the ApiKey rotate button on our Authorization Extension’s configuration page. I do see the publish rule button though. Below is what I see. Can you point me to where I can find the rotate API Key button please?
Hi @nicolas_sabena @konrad.sopala,
Any help that you guys can provide about rotating the API key would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance!