Admin does not receive account verification nor reset password mail

I have added a new admin to the team to manage multiple tenants. This admin does not receive the “Verify Your Account” e-mail. When following the authentication token URL instead and then going to the SIGN UP section, auth0 indicates that the user is existing already.
If the user is already existing then the user should be able to reset the password, right? But that does not work either. No e-mails are sent to that particular e-mail address.

Before you ask:
Yes, I have copied the e-mail address directly from our company e-mail system to avoid any spelling mistakes.
Yes, we have checked the spam / junk folder. We went as far as asking our office admin to add “no-reply(at)” to the whitelist of e-mail addresses to avoid any other filtering.
As an additional check, I tried all the above with my private e-mail account and it worked perfectly fine.

Thanks for your support.
Jennifer Sander

I have created a private support ticket on your behalf so we can handle this internally

I have had this same issue several times with our users.

request #00423623
this is the current support ticket number

Hey there @alexbottom!

Someone from our developer support team should reach out to you shortly regarding your support request! Let me know if they do otherwise I’ll ping them!