User cannot login - don't understand the error

Tried logging in from different browsers

Hey there @stephanie! I would like to get more information about what’s going on, what version of chrome are you using? Is this a new error that recently occurred or has it always been present? When you get a moment can you DM me your tenant name? Thanks in advance.

Hi James, how do I DM you? I am new to this

It’s Chrome 69.0.3497.100, but he also tried Internet Explorer, didn’t work. Strange thing is that all of his colleagues on the same computers (microsoft) and on chrome can login.

First time it happened (last week) I created a new user to get around it. So now he has a work login and a login with gmail (personal) and none work

@James.Morrison maybe this is the way? :slight_smile: Didn’t find the DM, I’m a total noob

No worries, I direct messaged you and it should be in your inbox. Thanks!

I heard from Stephanie in a DM that she resolved her issue :+1:.

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