I have been updating prompts for various screens on the New Universal Login via the management api and everything works as expected apart from the updates to the buttonText on the “email-verification-result”.
I have been trying to use the variable companyName as well as tenantName and neither of those appear on the screen.
curl --request PUT
–url https://TENANT_URL.us.auth0.com/api/v2/prompts/email-verification/custom-text/en
–header “content-type: application/json”
–header “authorization: Bearer $TOKEN”
-d’{“email-verification-result”:{“buttonText”:“Back to ${companyName}”}}’
The same prompt text “Back to ${companyName}” works when I update eg. the “buttonText” variable on reset-password-success.
I can also update the buttonText with static content by hardcoding the company name eg.
curl --request PUT
–url https://TENANT_URL.us.auth0.com/api/v2/prompts/email-verification/custom-text/en
–header “content-type: application/json”
–header “authorization: Bearer $TOKEN”
-d’{“email-verification-result”:{“buttonText”:“Back to My Company”}}’
Reading the custom prompts returns the text I had updated correctly:
curl --request GET
–url https://TENANT_URL.us.auth0.com/api/v2/prompts/email-verification/custom-text/en
–header “content-type: application/json”
–header “authorization: Bearer $TOKEN”
=> {“email-verification-result”:{“buttonText”:“Back to ${companyName}”}}
Any idea why using the variable companyName (or tenantName) wouldn’t work in this case?