Unable to send test Blocked Emails

I’m trying to test out email templates and all them work through SendGrid except for Blocked Account Email. The logs show “sent successfully” but I never receive the email, no issues with other templates. Using the same user for everything (existing real user)

Hi @dan.patten.bt,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I understand that you have not been able to send Blocked Emails during your tests with the Auth0 Dashboard.

After testing this myself, I was not able to reproduce the same observations. Instead, I was able to send a Blocked Account Email to my blocked user successfully using the Blocked Account Email Template Try button with Sendgrid.

In this case, could you please make sure the fields for your From, Subject, and Redirect To values are correct? And then retry sending the Blocked Account Email.

Alternatively, you could try using the Auth0 Default Email Provider to verify that the Block Account emails are being received by the recipient. Then, re-enabling your Email Provider with the correct values after you have completed your tests.

Please let me know how this works for you.

Thank you.

I ended up getting it to work by brute forcing the login field so it generated one, could not get it to work via the Try button.