Unable to create support ticket for specific tenant that doesn't show in list

I have on my account. 7 tenants. 1 production, the rest are all dev tenants. 3 are not really used and I’ll probably delete this week, one was setup to work on understanding spa/api/organization usage, and once we finish that integration will also get removed. The other 3 however are our primaries. One for development env, one for our staging env and one for production env.

Today I went to start work after a weekend of no code changes one of the tenants is throwing a 502 error constantly. Our production environment is working fine. Same code other than secret values.

I wanted to open a support ticket, but when I go to: Auth0 Support Center. I only get 2 of the 7 tenants listed. I am confused as to why we don’t get the entire list, and I have no idea how to get support for the issue I am having in dev. I have spent the entire day spinning my wheels trying to work. Please help.

OK, so the reason i wanted to open a ticket has been solved, and the problem is something of our own making with one of our APIs.

As for the listing issue, I noticed the 2 Tenants listed both seem to have subscriptions. Is this the reason they can get support. Why can’t I get support for other tenants in development while being a paying customer on one. It doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.