Submitting Support Tickets Unavailable

Hi there,

upon trying to send a support ticket i receive the following error:

This has been happening for the past few days. Can anyone from Auth0 support team please check this bug?

Thank you in advance,
Kind regards,

Hi @a.pisari,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Are you still experiencing this issue? I am not seeing other reports of this which suggests it may be a client-side problem.

If you are still seeing this error, can you please try logging out of Auth0 and reauthenticating. If that doesn’t solve it, let me know and we can dig deeper. Thanks!

Hello Dan!

Thank you for the welcome. I have deleted my cookies, restarted the page and browser, logged in and logged out. The problem still persists, unfortunately i cant submit tickets. This is the category:


Could you please DM me the name of the account or tenant?

Hi Dan,

funny enough i opened the page today, same process and everything, and suddenly it worked again. Oh well, thank you still for the follow up!

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No problem! Please let us know if you continue to experience this issue. Thanks!

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