Problems with the password reset email

we are using auth0 to manage the registration and login of users, and we have received comments that at the time of sending the mail to reset the password, the mails are not received or take a long time. do you have any idea what it could be, we are using the free plan, could there be any limitation of requests or something else that we overlooked?


Hi @nicolas.valle ,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I checked your tenant and noticed it uses the Auth0 build-in email provider.

Auth0 built-in email provider should only be used for testing as it has limitations such as the email not delivered or received with delays.

Could you please configure an external email provider for your tenant and try it again? Here are the detailed steps.

Hope this helps!

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Hello @lihua.zhang

Thank you very much for the reply!

That’s what we assumed.

Auth0 has payment options where this problem is solved, or some other plan where the mails provider can be used without any complication related to the limitation?

Hi @nicolas.valle ,

You can set up your own Email provider on the free tenant. Here is the list of email providers. Does that answer your concern?


Hi @lihua.zhang

I meant that if there is any payment plan in which auth0 is in charge of handling the mails without limitations, without the need to use an external mail provider.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you very much.

Hi @nicolas.valle ,

Thank you for providing additional context.

Setting up your Custom Email Provider is the only option to make sure that the emails sent from the Auth0 dashboard will be delivered successfully. This is the best practice that we recommend to all customers :slightly_smiling_face:

Any other queries around this topic I can assist?

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Thank you for your time, all doubts have been clarified. :muscle:

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