Password Reset Email Doesn't Arrive Despite Working API Endpoints

In both the staging and production Auth0 tenants, the password reset email does not arrive. My app manages to change the OTP of the user. If I use the OTP from the dashboard, the password reset succeeds. I also sent a POST request to this endpoint: Authentication API Explorer. I got “We’ve just sent you an email to reset your password.” but the email didn’t actually arrive. I tried editing and then returning the SMTP configuration settings just to perform a save operation again. It had no effect. How do I fix this? What do I check next? We already confirmed our SMTP provider is working.


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We can try to track down where it is failing by looking at the logs.

  • Are you seeing successful logs from the Auth0 dashboard?
  • Are you seeing successful logs in your custom email provider?
  • Is it possible your email client is blocking the email? For example, outlook/office 365 will often quarantine certain emails.

You’re right. It was a problem with the SMTP setup, not Auth0.

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Great, thanks for the update.

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