New Users unable to login

Since about a week we are facing this issue. We have a set of users who are unable to login to Auth0 although we have confirmed their passwords to be correct.
The only error we can see on the login screen is ‘Wrong email or password’

Hey there @amitw!

Can you send me any screenshots, info about the stack you use, context around what you’re building so I can have as many details as possible before debugging it? Also sending me via private message your tenant name, client name (app name) + emails / user_ids of users that are unable to login will be helpful!

We are directly accessing Auth0 through the home page and the new users are unable to login although the admin has confirmed multiple times that the password has been manually reset, through the Auth0 dashboard.

I have sent the URL of the dashboard to you in a private message.

Also sent the new users who are unable to log in. Although any new users created are unable to login. The message always is ‘Wrong email or password

Let me check that and get back to you shortly!

Hi Konrad,
is there any update on this?

We are still researching that matter! Will let you know what’s there once we have it!

Hey there!

Can you ask someone from those people who cannot login to record a HAR file which is a timeline of HTTP requests that we will be able to analyze so as to see what is happening behind the scenes of a browser? Here’s a guide how to do that:

Once you have it please share it with me via private message!

I have posted the HAR file in a private message to you.

Thank you, I’ll investigate it and get back to you shortly!

Ok I was able to find a few request in your HAR file with 401s and 404s regarding the login process which seems that there’s really something wrong going around. We’ll investigate it with our developer support team and get back to you soon!

I need to ask you one more thing. Is the username + password login method used for all users and only the new ones can’t use it while the old one can?

Friendly ping :slight_smile:
Have you had a chance to see my last message?

Hey there!

Let me know if you had a chance to see my previous messages