Wrong email or password. Please I need urgent help!

I just created a user, and at the first login already gave the error Wrong email or password. Please I need urgent help!

Good morning @eduardo.andrade and welcome to the Auth0 Community!

What method did you create the user? Did you do a Username/Password or a social connection? Is this a tenant admin? Can you direct message me the user and the tenant? I would like to assist but we need a bit more information on this front. Thanks in advance!

Following up on this topic @eduardo.andrade to see if you still need assistance. Thanks!

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Reopening support topic as requested by the user. Since you are running into this challenge frequently, if you could please recreate the challenge and capture it with a HAR file and direct message it over I would appreciate it. Please be sure to select “Preserve log” to catch redirects and scrub the file of user passwords before passing it over, thanks!

James, follow HAR file.
I’m waiting urgently because now I can not connect with my user MASTER.

Thanks for passing over the HAR @eduardo.andrade, I will take a look and see what I can find. Thanks!

Ok, Perfect, Thanks!

@eduardo.andrade after looking at the HAR and confirming with a senior engineer, it is indeed showing the Wrong username or password. I would recommend reaching out to the site’s support to have this issue resolved. I apologize for the hurdle.

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Como assim? nĂŁo entendi, esse nĂŁo Ă© o canal da Auth0 que resolve esse problema ??
Estou confuso agora …

Good morning James, how should I proceed now?

@eduardo.andrade the next step would be to reach out to a tenant admin or the app’s supporting staff. Due to the account not having admin privileges, I am unable to help further on this front.

Right, and as I make this contact with people, I never did that …

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