My admin account is blocked

My account is blocked from too many failed login attempts, the forgot password flow indicates that a pwd reset email has been set but I’m not receiving anything (spam is also empty)

Could you please help asap!

@konrad.sopala @James.Morrison sorry to tag you directly guys, I really need my account unblocked as soon as possible.

Will need to send you the tenant name

Good morning @saif09 and welcome to the Auth0 Community!

When you get a chance please review this FAQ on this front and it should help us get the recovery process started. Thanks!

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Hi @James.Morrison,

thank you for your reply, I have just created the account a couple of weeks back and haven’t enabled MFA and I got locked out.

Could we please start the recovery process soon?

Please let me know if there is any info that I can provide to help with this.

Also, can you please advise, why can’t we use the “reset password flow” to reset the password for our account?

Many thanks,

When you get a chance can you direct message me the tenant name so I can take a deeper look? Thanks in advance!

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