M2M Tokens pricing

Hi there!

bit newbie question right here:

I’m having an issue understanding the pricing model with tokens. There is a mention, of about 1000 machine-to-machine authentication in the Essential tier which I’m about to use.

My setup will be:
Next.js application at the frontend, and the Nest.js application at the backend.

I want to secure some of the endpoints on the backend service for authenticated users only (it will return some info from my DB).

Will I increase my quota count every time the user signs in through my nextjs app?


Also, is there any place to check, what’s my quota count?

I also want to check my quota count. Let me know from where I can check it.

Hey there!

Yes you can check that by logging into your dashboard. In the upper left hand corner you will be able to choose your tenant. Once you click on it there will be the Quota Utilization option.

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