Invitations Not Getting Sent while Adding New Tenant Members

Last Updated: Sep 4, 2024


This article presents a possible workaround for the situation when users invited to join as members in private instances are not receiving invitation emails.

Applies To

  • Invitation Emails
  • Emails
  • New Tenant Member


A workaround would be to copy the invite link from the Dashboard > Settings > Tenant Members and share it with the invitee via an alternative channel so they can join the tenants.

Before the user accepts the invitation, they will appear in the Invitations list as pending. Upon clicking the three dots, a Copy invitation link option can be seen.

If none of the company’s users receives tenant invites, one of the possibilities is that the email server is blocking the IP address of Auth0’s email server. In that case, it will be required to put an exception in place not to block the IP address of Auth0’s email server.