What is the proper method for Inviting Members to an existing tenant?

As an Admin level auth0 Dashboard user, using the auth0 Dashboard, I have invited several team members (net new to Auth0) to join the project. I have selected the Invite Members button from the Tenant select drop down and specified their emails.

Our team members receive the invite email and click the link which brings them to a login screen. Unfortunately, there is no sign up button and since the user is net new to Auth0, they don’t have existing credentials. We have tried hitting reset password for a net new email, but do not receive any emails.

We have also tried signing up via the Auth0.com home page and then clicking through via the emailed invitation link but are presented again with the same login screen. When we try our newly created credentials we are presented with the invalid login error.

This leads me to believe that we are not doing something correctly… How is everyone else inviting net new members into their tenants? What is the correct way to invite a net new member to our existing Auth 0 tenant?

Apologies if this is a duplicate and I’m not sure if this is an anomaly.

Thank you!
Eden Yeung

Hey @eyeung welcome to the community!

This is odd! You’re going about inviting members the correct way. They should be able to to signup in the process of accepting the invitation to the tenant - Can you share a screenshot of the screen they are presented with that doesn’t include a signup button? I’d expect to see:

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Thanks for your quick response! Our team members in QA provided some videos for your reference, but it seems I’m not able to upload here. Here are some screenshots of the issue. It seems like we are being redirected to the wrong page based on your screen above.

These screens show our flow after clicking the email invitation link:

These are screen shots of our team member logging in with the account they have created on the Auth0.com home page. The tenants list does not include the project we have invited them to.

Happy to help!

Can you confirm the domain is what you expect when a user clicks to “continue to auth0” and is redirected to the login widget? I can only a free tenant associated with this email, but if this happens to be in relation to a paid tenant with access to create support tickets, it might be be worth opening one so a support engineer can dig into this a bit deeper than I can.

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Thanks Ty. The domain we are expecting to be redirected to is Sign In with Auth0

I do believe we are a paid tenant and have both a prod and pre-prod tenant, but I am having difficulty accessing the other support tools. The only one I could ultimately contact support with is the Community forums, so thanks for looking into this for us.

