Unable to add team member to my tenant

The issue:

  • I want to add a team member as a tenant member for both tenants: tenant-A (production) and tenant-B (development).
  • I invited my colleague as a Team Member with the role “Team Owner”. They accepted the invitation.
  • I navigated to “Tenants” in https://accounts.auth0.com and clicked “View Members” for the tenant “tenant-A”.
  • I am shown the “Tenant Members” for the tenant, for which I am the only one. My role is “Admin”.
  • I cannot see an “Add Member” button anywhere on the screen.
  • We are on the free tier.

Is there a step missing?

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Hi @unlikelyai-vincent,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

It seems that you have accessed the Teams Dashboard, but to invite tenant members, you will need to use the Auth0 Dashboard.

I recommend following the Add Tenant Members documentation which will guide you to add your tenant members.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Hi @rueben.tiow ,

Thank you for your comment. I tried adding a team member by following this documentation. I navigated to Teams dashboard but I cannot see the button “Add Member” once again and the screen has a message just above the Team Members table saying " Heads up! Tenant Members can only be added through Teams.". The documentation does not mention this?

My team and I are really excited about using Auth0 but struggling to invite each other onto the team. The documentation is great but this issue does not appear to be documented anywhere.

I have found the solution! @rueben.tiow the documentation you pointed me too may be outdated. I came across this document Tenant Member Management which explains “Tenant Member Management”. Our account is a non-enterprise and therefore, this feature is active by default and one must follow the instructions on this page to add team members to tenants. The instructions Assign Team Member to Tenants with Tenant Member Management solved my issue.


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