Add Team Members

Problem statement

Auth0 now manages the tenant members invitations in a different way for new subscriptions.
With the introduction of Teams, newer plans, and older plans that have Teams enabled, will have a different process for inviting new tenant members.


If the user has a new subscription, or has an older subscription with Teams enabled, they won’t be able to see the “Add Member” referenced in Add Dashboard User.

Steps to reproduce

Go to Dashboard > Tenant Settings > Tenant Members


Access the Teams Dashboard

  1. Select the tenant name from the tenant drop-down menu in the Auth0 Dashboard.
  2. Find the Teams name at the bottom of the menu and select Go to team.


To access the Teams Dashboard using a URL:
3. Record the value of the Team Permalink field for the Teams account (located in the account’s Settings page).

Navigate to{team-permalink} , replacing team-permalink with that value.

If the option for Teams access isn’t visible, try the following:

View and Add Team Members

  1. On the left side of the Teams Dashboard, select Members.

  1. To invite a new Team Owner, select Invite a Member.
  2. Enter the email address of the member to invite and select the access level.

  1. Select Send Invite.

Related References