Introduction Thread

Welcome to the Auth0 Community @kjetiltenold! Have a look around and let us know if you have any questions!

Yo! I am J. Michael been a developer for 21 years. So old. I still love what I do and learning this fire hose of technology that surrounds us. Been working with auth0 on our product over the last few years. Yes few years as I haven’t been able to dedicate full time to it until now. I recently started working for my own company full time. Anyway love the product and the people happy to join the community!

Hey there @mwoodard!

Great to have you in our community!

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Hello Everyone! I am Kumar. I am a Software Engineer by profession. I am currently in the process of redesigning Auth for an Inc 5000 company. We have signed up with Auth0, and I am closely working with them.

I am a Java guy, who’s exploring other technologies and cloud these days. I love to solving complex problems. I love biking, hiking, nature.


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Hello Chris here, Development Manager lead small team primarily MS Stack (MVC, .Net Core, SQL Server, etc.) Looking to leverage third party for all Auth.


Great to have you guys! Welcome in the community @kumarabhinav and @cpond!

Hi All,

I’m Ruud, a Belgian Software developer. I’m currently working on a React application implementing Auth0 with MFA. Looking to get some insight on the topic at hand.

Kind regards


Hey there @Devolicious!

Great to have you in our community!

Hello, Chuck Felish here. I’m a .NET Sr Software Engineer, 10+ years professional experience and relatively new to Angular development but finding it more enjoyable by the day.

Our software team has chosen Auth0 as our Auth platform and so here I am!


Hey @chuck1! Welcome to the Auth0 Community Forum!

Let us know if you have any question while you get things up and running.


Hello everyone. Now that I am “approved” I may introduce myself here.

I work for THAT Conference, a community-driven developer conference in the Midwest. After our 2019 event we decided to burn everything down and start over on our aging web bits. Along with this rewrite is handing auth correctly, which is the reason I am here. We are incorporating Auth0 into our applications. I look forward to getting to know this community and for it to get to know me and the wonderful THAT community.


Welcome @brettski! Thanks for choosing Auth0 and be sure to let us know if you have any questions!

A post was merged into an existing topic: Overall feedback

I’m Doug Reeder, been developing professionally for a couple of decades. At nChannel I’m using Node and React. Talk to us if you need to sync two system in near-real time, with professional support!


Hi @DougNChannel, welcome to the Auth0 Community Forum.

Very interesting! Let us know how we can help.

I’m looking for a way of offloading some of the heavy lifting of implementing user authentication and was recommended Auth0. Setting up a simple sign up/login for django was so easy, the next stage of api authentication and rules is getting challenging!

Finding freelancers to help is not easy and while I see earlier questioners were told off for asking for freelancers, I’m asking again. Does anyone know where Auth0 Freelancers hang out?

Welcome to the Auth0 Community @phoebebright! Let us know if you are running into any specific challenges and we’d be happy to help!

It would be best @phoebebright if you can describe your usecase, what you’re trying to build etc in a separate topic and add appropriate tags to look for volunteers as we don’t have a designated place for that.

Hi James,

Thanks for getting back to me. I’m going to take Konrad’s advice and post the usecase in a separate thread, but I have a specific problem with the Device API. I’ve got images explaining what I’m seeing. Can I send that to you via email?

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It would be best if you just open a separate topic describing what you are struggling with. Thanks!

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