How to move from development key to production key for Tenant

I am using Auth0 for authentication in my application. I have created a tenant in Auth0 and used the client id and access key. Everything is working fine.
But when I have deployed my application on production server, auth0 login page is showing me the warning “One or more of your connections are currently using Auth0 development keys and should not be used in production.”
I guess I am using Tenant development environment, how can I switch to the production environment.

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Hi @abhi3836

The “ One or more of your connections are currently using Auth0 development keys and should not be used in production .” error means that one of your social connections is using the Auth0 keys and not your own to connect to the social provider. The Auth0 keys are useful for developing and testing your application, but they shouldn’t be used in your production environment.

You’ll need to go to your social connections in the dashboard, select each social connection and then check if you left blank the API Key and Secret Key. If so, you’re using the Auth0 dev keys and you should really set up your own keys. You can read more about this here:


Thanks for sharing that solution Ricardo!

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Thanks Ricardo!! Got it.

Wooohooo! Let us know if you have any other questions down the road!