I made a really silly mistake. Here’s the thing.
I had been developing an app for several months and during the time I sort of learned to ignore the exclamation mark that’s supposed to inform you that you’re using a developer key.
So when going for production, I just created a new tenant and went with that. Because I was already used to the warning I would not notice. There are about hundred users of the service now and one of them (yes, only one - it’s obviously not a myth - people don’t read stuff…) noticed the warning. First of I was like… Hm, that’s weird I don’t have any such warning there. But then I realized I simply must have learned to ignore the warning and wouldn’t notice it in production for several months… How silly.
So, is there a way to replace that for an app, that’s already running and has a lot of users whose data I simply cannot afford to lose? I.e. I cannot force them to create new accounts and drop current data.
Thanks for any hints you can give me!