How can I display Universal Login with Sign-Up-only page on iOS?

Typical Universal Login page on iOS contains both, Sign-Up and Sign-In flows in one window. Is there a way of disabling one of the options and displaying just a Sign-Up (or just a Sign-In) page using Auth0 SDK for iOS?

Right now I cannot find a way of providing a hint to Auth0 which page to show. The following code displays Universal Login page with both (Sign-In and Sign-Up) options on iOS app:

    .scope("openid profile email")
    .start { result in
        // process result

SDK version: 1.33.0
Platform version: iOS 14

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Hi @pjuzeliunas,

You should be able to set the initial screen to sign up like so for the Classic Login Experience:

    .scope("openid profile email")
    .parameters(["initialScreen": "signUp"]) // <-- Add "initialScreen" parameter
    .start { result in
        // process result

And this for the New Universal Login Experience:

    .scope("openid profile email")
    .parameters(["screen_hint": "signup"]) // <-- Add "screen_hint" parameter
    .start { result in
        // process result

Thank you for your answer. screen_hint parameter with signup value makes direct landing on sign-up page possible. However, user still has an option to log-in by tapping on the link bellow the input fields. Is there a way of disabling the log in option (link) in this particular case?

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To not show the login option at all, you will need to use the Classic Universal Login Experience and customize the login template and use the allowLogin setting in the Lock configs. Unfortunately, this is not possible with the New Universal Login at this time.

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