Disable SignUp for login page and provide separate link to SignUP


I’m trying to keep the login page provided by auth0 to only allow logging in which we do, the problem is when we want to send a one time sign up link to our users the link will forward to the login page instead. Is there an easy way to use the New Universal Login and use a link for a separate sign up page? Or do I have to create a whole separate sign up page to for new users to sign up when provided the sign up link. The current method I use the sign up link is in this format

Any advice or help is greatly appreciated thank you auth0 team!

Hello there @MelloJ650 welcome to the community!

How exactly are you only allowing login on the universal login page? Utilizing the screen_hint param is best practice for redirecting to sign up.

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Yeah, so we are utilizing the screen_hint param for the login button but our issue was that the login page still had the option to register if the user doesn’t have an account which isn’t the design we wanted. But we found that we can edit the text on the login page to remove that option for the user which is awesome! We have a knew issue revolving around adding additional fields to the user sign up page, we’re trying to avoid coding a whole new page with calls to auth0 API endpoints if we can. Should I open a new ticket for this issue?

P.S. love to see another surfer on the platform!

That’s great! Glad you were able to find a solution that works for you :slight_smile:

That would be great if you can open up a new topic!

Heck ya! :surfing_man: :ocean:

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