Hide continue with buttons configurable on Organization login prompts

Currently the ability to hide connections from the connection configuration is not working with Organization prompts in the new universal login flow with liquid syntax and custom domains. This forces us to pass the connection for the Auth0 DB connection to hide all the SSO connections (except where we explicitly want to login one of the customers via logic on our end). This workaround however fails when the client wants some of the SSO connections to show and some not to show.

Ideally there should be an ability to show or not show the connection with a configurable flag on the organizations connections (so different per organization)

Thanks for creating this feedback card Nick!

This has also been reported here, as a bug with no resolution, and the conversation was closed.
It’s been more than a year - what are our options now?

Please have a look at this feature which recently shipped and adds the ability to show and hide enterprise connections on Organization Login Prompts : Auth0 Changelog