Continue with Enterprise button is visible in the login page without enabling this feature on the dashboard

Problem Statement

We have created multiple connections in my Auth0 tenant, one DB, and one enterprise. The enterprise connection has the “Display connection as a button” option unchecked.

We have also set up organizations and use the “Identifier First” or the “Identifier + password” experience. When trying to log in via organization, we can still see the “Continue with Enterprise” button. With the above configuration, we expect the connection buttons not to show up.


End users will see an enterprise connection button in the login widget despite having the button not enabled in the dashboard

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Create organization
  2. Enable at least one enterprise connection, and do not enable it to be shown as a button
  3. Login via your organization and you will see the button for the enterprise connection


Hiding the enterprise connection buttons is not currently supported with Organizations. Please communicate your use case with our Product team via feedback.