Multiple Connections per Organization

We’re using Universal Login with Organizations. We have 1 Enterprise Azure AD connection and multiple DB connections per organization. Since we have multiple environments and have to duplicate organization users per environment we’re achieving that by creating a separate DB connection per environment and enabling it for that organization. e.g. connections are like org1-dev, org1-demo etc.

We need to show both the username/password and the enterprise button on the login page. The problem is that the username/password doesn’t work until we specify the connection in the Auth0ProviderOptions of our React SPA app. But if we provide the connection then the ‘Enterprise login’ button disappears.

One solution that I’ve considered is duplicating organizations so that we have a one-to-one mapping between an organization and a DB connection. Ideally, I’d prefer not to duplicate organizations just to achieve this. Is there a better solution which allows me to specify the DB connection without hiding the Enterprise login button?


Hi there, Nisar,

We are currently attempting to reduce our backlog of community posts to possibly help future visitors with similar questions -

If both database connection and enterprise connection are enabled for the organization, the Universal login can show them both when users log in to their respective Organizations.

To do that, please mark the option to Display Connection as a button (pic below) in the Auth0 tenant → Organizations-> your specific Organization → Connections → choose the enterprise connection ‘View details’ (three horizontal dots) and mark the option.

This will work with both Authentication Profiles: Identifier First and Identifier + Password.
The pic below shows how hot this would look with Identfier First.

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