From address preventing email templates getting sent

Coming across an issue where there are a few inconsistencies I have noticed with adding a from address to the email templates.

This applies to all email templates.

EMAIL = (storing this in a variable as Auth0 limits how many links are in this post)

If I use an email like EMAIL (I am using this as an example only, not posting the actual email i have used here), I am able to send the email come through, logs are all saying API operation is a success.

However, when I add the following like so as the description text describes I get errors:

{{ }}


{{ }}

The former throws the error on save Error!

The value {{ }} is not valid for the From field. Possible values: an email address (EMAIL’) or a prefix and an email address between <> (‘Your App ’)

The latter allows me to save, however, for some email addresses, in the logs, the API operation Send an email template as a test tells me that the email has sent, however my email does not receive anything.

I tried with another email address, and I get the error in the logs Failed Sending Notification with the error: Error sending email: with no further details.

Would be grateful for any assistance, thank you!

To clarify this section,


However, when I add the following like so as the description text describes I get errors:

{{ }} EMAIL


{{ }} EMAIL

Hi @qrious_quokka,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Do you have an external SMTP email provider configured? Can you take a screenshot of the From field and error in the Dashboard when you try to save the {{ }} in the From field?

When sending these emails via the “Try” button in the Dashboard, the tenant uses a global application as the context for the emails. In this scenario, the emails are sent from a special global application that has the same name as the tenant. This may or may not be relevant, but I wanted to mention it. Do you receive any emails when these emails get sent via the application (i.e. not via the “Try” button)?

I look forward to your reply!


Mary Beth

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