Error in sending email notification

Follow up to question am unable to link here however please see the question asked in Dec 2024 titled From address preventing email templates getting sent

In response to Do you have an [external SMTP email provider] configured?

  • Yes I do.

Can you take a screenshot of the From field and error in the Dashboard when you try to save the {{ }} in the From field?

  • I am able to Save using the following format {{ }}, however when it comes to sending an email (via my actual app through the /authorization endpoint or event via the Try button (in the email template), in the logs, the error is logged. Error type Failed Sending Notification with the following details… (I have replaced all PID info with example emails)
  "details": {
    "email_type": "reset_email",
    "notification_type": "reset_email",
    "to": "",
    "error": "Error sending email: "

No further details of the type of error I am facing.

I only receive emails if I use only the email rather than prefix it with the {{}}

Appreciate any help with this, thanks in advance!

Hi @qrious_quokka,

Could you please send me a direct message with your tenant’s name so I can look into this further?


Thanks Rueben, I have Dm’ed you

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Hi @qrious_quokka,

I have looked at your tenant and found some Failed Sending Notification (fn) log events happening immediately after a Success Change Password Request log event (scpr) log event.

When a fn log event follows immediately after a scpr log event, it means that Auth0 has successfully handed off the email to your provider, suggesting that the issue may be with the email provider.

I recommend reviewing your custom email provider’s activity to verify if there are any issues with sending the emails. Secondly, please ensure that the from address {{ }} is a verified sender from your email provider.

Additionally, I suggest referring to our Password Reset Emails not Received knowledge article for more information on troubleshooting this issue.
