"Failed Sending Notification" in Forgot Password

Hello. I wasn’t receiving any e-mails after clicking “Forgot password” on the login screen. I checked the logs and it says:

A snippet of the JSON data:

  "details": {
    "email_type": "reset_email",
    "to": "[email]",
    "error": "Error sending email: Forbidden"

It used to be working but now I don’t know why I’m getting this error. It’s a bit vague. I could not tell what’s causing it to be forbidden.

Do you need to be in a paid plan for this to work? Because we recently just went back to using the Free tier.


Thank you for posting @humphrey , I am happy to assist!

I reviewed the known cases of the reset password emails not being sent, and this is the info I came upon:

As mentioned on Configure Custom External SMTP Email Provider you will have to configure your provider to allow inbound connections from Auth0. To see the list of required IP addresses, as you are a Public Cloud customer you can navigate to Auth0 Dashboard > Branding > Email Provider or from Auth0 IP Addresses for Allow Lists

Could you please double-check if your affected Auth0 tenant is all set in terms of Auth0 tenant ↔ email provider communication?

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