footerText not showing, yes, I know this has bee asked before

We are using the New Universal Login, never have used the classic and I’ve added a value to the footerText for all login- screens, in theory I just need login-id since that’s the flow we’re using. Anyway, as mentioned by others, it shows up on the preview, does not show up on the actual login prompt, I do see that message that says “Text Customization applies only to New Universal Login.” which I’ve read in previous posts that “indicates some part of the classic login is still on”, I’ll be hornswaggled if I can find what part that is since we started with the New and never used the classic… help is greatly appreciated.

Hi @steve.rosenhamer,

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I understand that your footerText on your login-id page is not showing the changes you made on the Dashboard.

I have just tested this myself and was able to modify the footerText without issues. The changes were reflected on the login page of my app. See below.


The login-id page:

I have checked your tenant and confirmed that you are using the New Universal Login experience, and it is not overridden by the Classic Universal Login experience.

Please note that it can only be overridden by the Classic Universal Login experience if the custom login page, custom password reset page, or custom MFA page are enabled. You can enable/disable these pages on your Dashboard > Branding > Universal Login > Advanced Options.

It may be worth checking that your webpage is also not being cached.

I hope this helps!

Please let me know how this goes for you.


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