Error with social Connection - tasks[index].apply is not a function

We are trying to connect Auth0 with Google, it was working until yesterday March 5th and we started to get the following error:
{ “error”: “access_denied”, “error_description”: “tasks[index].apply is not a function” }
In the attempts to recover the operation, we deleted the connections, created again and the error persists, what can it be?
I attach complete log:
“date”: “2024-03-06T14:44:09.031Z”,
“type”: “f”,
“description”: “tasks[index].apply is not a function”,
“connection”: “google-oauth2”,
“client_name”: “All Applications”,
“user_agent”: “Chrome 122.0.0 / Mac OS X 10.15.7”,
“details”: {
“body”: {},
“qs”: {
“state”: “qqBpfoQ7fCmirqizNjj4IeJJlQS6UAk3”
“connection”: “google-oauth2”,
“error”: {
“message”: “tasks[index].apply is not a function”,
“oauthError”: “access_denied”,
“type”: “oauth-authorization”
“stats”: {
“loginsCount”: 3
“strategy”: “google-oauth2”,
“strategy_type”: “social”,
“scope”: [
“$event_schema”: {
“version”: “1.0.0”
“log_id”: “90020240306144409078987000000000000001223372045901242846”,
“_id”: “90020240306144409078987000000000000001223372045901242846”,
“isMobile”: false,
“id”: “90020240306144409078987000000000000001223372045901242846”