Error! Something happened while trying to create the tenant: API Error. Please contact support if the problem persists

Hi there,
I was just about to start the Simple Tutorial but I get the following error every time I try to create the tenant:


Something happened while trying to create the tenant: API Error. Please contact support if the problem persists

Is anyone able to help me out here please?
Thanks in advance.

Hey there @Fishbite ,

It looks like you’re trying to create an Auth0 tenant via API, which is not supported. Is this your case?

If yes, there is a product feature request on that, feel free to add your vote there!

Please let me know if there are any questions!

Hi there,

Thanks for coming back to me.

I’m a new user and have just signed up to try out this technology. I wasn’t intentionally trying to set up a tenant via API. I signed up and the tenant was created automatically, which I deleted so that I could create another with a more memorable name. So now, when I try to login, the system tries to create a new tenant for me but I get that error. As I say, I’m not intentionally trying to do that via API, I’m just trying to create my account from this screen:

When I click ‘Create Account’ I get the error:


Something happened while trying to create the tenant: API Error. Please contact support if the problem persists

and there doesn’t appear to be any options to choose from, so I’m a little stuck.

Hi @Fishbite ,

Thank you for the explanation. When attempting to create a new account, did you use the same authorization method like “Sing up / Logi in with Github”
that you have used before?

In general there is no need to delete tenants in your existing account or delete the whole account, to create a new tenant with more memorable name. You can create new tenants under the same account.

I would like to offer two ways of handling this scenario:

  • Log in to your existing account, and create a new tenant by going to you Auth0 dashboard → please click the left upper corner with the existing tenant name and choose “Create tenant”:
  • If you can not log in to an existing account, please try create a new one choosing a different than before login method like “Sign up with Google”.

Please let me know if there are any questions!

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Hi @marcelina.barycka,

I was just in the process of replying to your response, grabbing some screen shots etc. When I clicked the ‘create account’ button expecting to see the same error as described above I was taken to the Autho0 dashboard, so it appears that my problem has been resolved.

Thank you so much for your input, your time is very much appreciated.
Kind regards,
Fishbite ;ÂŹ)

You’re very welcome @Fishbite !

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