Downgrade to free plan multiple tenants question

Hello, we are currently using two tenants on our paid plan, as the application the tenants are for is going to be suspended for a time, what would happen to the tenants if we downgrade to a free plan, and if we later revert to a paid plan would we again have access to both tenants with existing users and settings or we would need to create them all over again?

Hi @dev67

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

You can manage your own subscriptions via the Dashboard.

The features available through a plan will not function or get disabled, however, any configuration that you have on your tenant using these features will not get deleted/reverted. Also, by moving to a free plan, the tenants will still be accessible.

I would advise to double check all configurations you had previously after restarting the plan for the tenants.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a reply!

Kind Regards,