Custom Provider Email Latency

We setup an external SMTP provider (MailJet) and the SMTP test email sent by Auth0 went through immediately. but auth codes are not being sent, leading me to believe there’s an issue somewhere else in Auth0.

Just for reference, here are the Auth0 logs:

Here are the MailJet logs:

So when Auth0 does send emails through MailJet (like the test email which appears in the mailjet logs), it seems to work fine. But the Auth0 logs show auth codes that never make it into MailJet at all.

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We’re facing the same problem.
I’m using SendGrid as a custom provider, but both the code link and the Config test email are lagging for more than 30 minutes.

Other parts of the system that use SendGrid receive emails without delay.

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Same here. Very long deliverability. Auth0 service is affected dramatically.

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Hey there. This is a major issue impacting the operations of my service. The emails are not delivered timely even with custom email provider.


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@bolein95 @sakata @mm-raphael

Hey folks, I spun this off in a new thread. Can you please send me a DM with your effected tenant name?


Just to clarify, we’re not having latency issues. The emails aren’t going through at all for auth codes. People who logged in yesterday still have not received their code. Ironically, one person who tried too hard to login, did receive an Account Blocked email :grimacing: :

Sooo, on the positive side, at least we know emails triggered in Auth0’s systems can go through. On the negative side, it’s only the email telling a user they’re blocked because the other emails didn’t :sweat:

We have received a notification from MailJet that there are emails that are being attempted using, which they are barring, because it’s not a whitelisted domain for our account of course.

My worry now is that in the auth code email specifically, somehow Auth0 is ignoring the “from” email configuration, and trying to send them from That would result in no emails going through at all (not even delayed).

Hello everyone,

Me too experimented long time in receive the email with the MFA code, today the time its very long please help me

Can you please try to set up a custom email provider and confirm it is still an issue?

Configure External SMTP Email Providers

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