Checking / changing billing & subscription items of my Auth0 tenant/s

Problem statement

I want to check and/or update my current subscription plan details.

I wan to see how does the monthly / yearly subscription cost change if I change the number of monthly active users.
Who do I contact if I want to change my subscription options and ask additional questions?


In your Auth0 dashboard, under the SettingsSubscription tab, you can check what is currently available for your tenant, your subscription and the number of motnhly active users allowed.

Scroll down to also see the features available for you (they are grouped into a few categories), based on a specific subscription being applied.

You can also check how the cost of each of the available subscriptions would change if you change the number of Monthly Active Users you would like to allow for your tenant. Just use the drag button across the line to see the relevant changes immediately.

Once you are ready to make subscription changes, like the monthly active users number and the specific subscription plan, please click the Upgrade button under the Subscription you’ve chosen, to provide your credit card details.

You are also free to send a message to our Sales department directly. To do so, click the
Discuss your need button to be redirected to a message form, where you can describe what your looking for.