Changed Application type back to "Web-App" but don't see "APIs" tab in console

Hi. I was experimenting with my application, and changed Application type to “Single Page” and then back to “Web Application” after that “APIs” tab disappeared from Application configuration page, while it is present for the brand-new "Web Application).

what is wrong? how can I return it back?

Hi @andrii

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

I have tried replicating the behavior that you encountered and the same result comes up on my end as well. I was able to get it fixed and have the API tab re-appear for the application the following way:

  • navigate to the Auth0 Management API Update a client endpoint to set the token_endpoint_auth_method to anything other than none, for example I set it to client_secret_post;
  • go back to the Auth0 dashboard to your application and enable the Client Credentials Grant type
  • refresh the page if the change is not visible

Following these steps, the API tab came back for my application, let me know if this helped in your case as well.
Information was pulled from the following documentation in case you want to take a look.

Have a great one!