Cannot submit a ticket to export User

We just converted one of our tenant as B2B - Essentials, we need to migrate all our existing user from old tenant to this paid one where we need to export the password as well. I read in the community that it requires to submit a ticket to export the passwords. Any idea how to resolve this issue?

I attached the issue Im encountering, I tried to click multiple times the send verification, but no message received in my email.

I’m already the administrator of a specific tenant, but still cannot send one

Hi @vdiongzon,

Yes, that’s correct. You will need to open a support ticket to get an export of your users hashed passwords.

Could you please confirm if you have checked your spam folders?


Hello @rueben.tiow, yes I checked it everywhere, I can normally receive message from others but that that specific Send Verification Email.

Hi @vdiongzon,

Thanks for the reply.

I am not certain why you are not receiving the verification emails. There could be a possibility that there is some corporate email filtering happening.

Nonetheless, I see that you have another account that is also a tenant admin, ending in the domain. Could you please give it a try to use your Gmail account and see if you are able to get the verification email and open a support ticket?

It may also be worth removing the tenant member and reinviting them.

Please let me know how this goes for you.


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No luck on removing and re-invite, though I already tried the @gmail account where I can send now a ticket. thanks anyway.

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Hi @vdiongzon,

Thanks for the update.

I’m glad you are now able to open a support ticket.

Please reach out if you have any additional questions.


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