Allow to link related issues

Feature: Allow the users to link related issues

As a user I would like to have the ability to link related issues.
Items dealing with the same subject, or one has answered the other. There is this kind of feature on Jira, GitHub, StackOverflow among others.
The user could link the issues and submit to a community moderator to review and approve.

When the topic still open it’s possible to reply, adding the link to another issue. But when the topic is closed, it’s not more possible to do it. In this case, a topic keeps without a solutions even if it was resolved on another one.

Look at the topics below, the first one was created and answered. Almost 2 years later, the second issue was create. However, it was automatically closed with no answers. Even if it was related and answered in the first topic.

  1. Special Characters ignored for Good Password Strength - #2 by kimcodes
  2. Password strength bar isn't working as expected

Hi @Felipe.Corso,

Thanks for the feedback about the Community! I have passed this on to the team for us to look into. I also went ahead and added a link to the solution from topic 1 to topic 2 that you’ve listed.

Thanks again!

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Hey there!

I reached out to Discourse team yesterday and here’s what they shared:

“Not exactly the answer you are after, but keep in mind links in Discourse are bi-directional.
As long as you link the destination to the source, the source will have a link to the destination.
So you could use an open topic to link up the closed topic.”

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Yep, it sounds good for open topics :slight_smile:

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