Community Forum Feature Request: "Follow ups"

Not sure if this is a good idea, and not sure how much flexibility the Auth0 team has here, but some method for nudging old threads might be helpful. I’m thinking of threads that you are participating in, are still unresolved but which get buried.

Got a ‘popular link’ reward today and clicked on it to see what link / thread it was from, and it was an unresolved discussion from last June.

Hi Mark, thank you so much for your assistance and being an active member of the Ambassador program! We should be announcing something special very soon for active members like yourself!

Moderators have the ability to assign topics to themselves to stay in tune with the topics they are a part of as well as close the topics. This bring to mind a great discussion to have with the team about active ambassadors having such abilities. Let me bring it forth to the next team discussion next week and see what we can do it about!

Thanks again Mark!

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I don’t know if the software supports post signatures (and post sigs can be a challenge, possibly needing policing), but being able to put something the following into a post sig might be helpful too:

Check out this excellent diagram of the Auth0 Engine!


Add user profile data to your [ID and Access tokens](link to something relevant)!

Thanks, I’ll share this feedback too :smiley:

Discussed this as a team this morning. We are going to start documenting a process for Ambassadors to obtain Moderation abilities so look for this in the near future :smiley:

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