Allow multiple custom domains for multitenant applications

Hey all,

Thank you for all your feedback and voting on this feature.

We recently had a Product Roadmap update, and there has now been an item added to the Roadmap :tada: :

EDIT: The target date of release supporting Multiple Custom Domains per tenant has been changed, currently the estimated time is set to Q4 2025 (OCT-DEC).

Support Multiple Custom Domains per tenant - Target release in Q3 2024 (Aug-Oct). (Please note that the target dates may be subject to change). We do not have any further details at this time.

Although the release date is quite far out, it is great to see that our product team has added this feature to the future plans. Thanks again for all the feedback that helped get this feature on the roadmap.


Thank you for listening the community :pray:

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@nathan.jenkins with this new multiple custom domains support, will we have the ability to set branding by custom domain in Universal Login?

Hi @Seanl ,

EDIT: The target date of release supporting Multiple Custom Domains per tenant has been changed, currently the estimated time is set to Q4 2025 (OCT-DEC).

The current description mentions about the ability to create more than one customized login experience within a single tenant which can be catered towards different applications or Organizations. Although currently no mention for branding by each custom domain. We may have more details in the future or you can look to raise an additional feedback post for this specific use case, thanks!

Hi all! My name is Carolyn, and Iā€™m the research ops specialist for the Auth0 research team. We are recruiting for a study that requires your feedback on how your company handles and manages branding needs to provide multiple login experiences.

Weā€™re conducting 45-minute interviews. These sessions will be conducted via our user research platform Great Question , and they will be recorded for internal purposes only. As a token of appreciation for your time and feedback, weā€™re offering a $60 incentive.

If youā€™re interested, please complete the screener to see if you are eligible to participate here. Feel free to follow up with me if you have any questions!


Hi Oleh! My name is Carolyn, and Iā€™m the research ops specialist for the Auth0 research team. We are recruiting for a study that requires your feedback on how your company handles and manages branding needs to provide multiple login experiences. My team thinks you would be a great candidate for the study.

Weā€™re conducting 45-minute interviews with a $60 incentive through our tool GreatQuestion. If youā€™re interested, please complete the screener to see if you are eligible to participate here. We will reach out to you within 48 hours to schedule an interview. Feel free to follow up with me if you have any questions!

Hi Vaclav! My name is Carolyn, and Iā€™m the research ops specialist for the Auth0 research team. We are recruiting for a study that requires your feedback on how your company handles and manages branding needs to provide multiple login experiences. My team thinks you would be a great candidate for the study.

Weā€™re conducting 45-minute interviews with a $60 incentive through our tool GreatQuestion. If youā€™re interested, please complete the screener to see if you are eligible to participate here. We will reach out to you within 48 hours to schedule an interview. Feel free to follow up with me if you have any questions!

@nathan.jenkins are auth0 still on track for delivery Q3 2024? Really need this :pray:

We also need to new custom domain

Hello everyone, Iā€™ve been trying to address this issue through direct channels with Auth0. While Sales has been unresponsive, the development team provided some solutions. The product team has this feature in the backlog, but details are limited. To expedite, we need more visibility. Please upvote the ticket and reach out to sales for support. Thank you.


Hey there everyone interested in this release!

Thank you @pm7778697 for bringing it up - Iā€™m reaching out to let you all know that the approximate timeline provided has, unfortunately, changed.

The target date of release supporting Multiple Custom Domains per tenant is set to Q4 2025 (OCT-DEC) .

I apologize for any inconvenience caused :frowning: and wanted to reiterate that the timelines for feature requests are subject to potential changes.

Thank you again for upvoting it!

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Just came to vote on this as it would be extremely helpful to allow us to change the custom domain with a staged approach without breaking all of our customerā€™s SSO connections that use our custom domain in their callback URL. As an enterprise customer, the timeframe update is very disappointing.

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This is incredibly important if you need to change your domain name as well. You will otherwise lock users out. Any customers of yours with SSO configured will need to update their configuration and so on. It may not be so easy to update mobile apps where now someone is using an older version that has an old custom domain configuration. Links for email verification, password reset, etc. they all break.

Like others have said this isnā€™t just a convenience, this is a mandatory feature. In the very least a way to migrate from one to another so you donā€™t have service interruption. There are simply times when a domain must change (legal reasons, etc.) and to have a service interruption here, youā€™re honestly breaking your SLA. Not really sure what the mandatory support charges are that came into effect either, but boy what are we getting for that?

Very unfortunate to see this slated for Q4 2025 after all this time.

Hey Carloyn,

thank you for giving this topic some attention. I donā€™t have access to the former account. So I didnā€™t get a notification. At the moment it is out of scope for me since. I am not working with Auth0 anymore

Good luck with the initiative though

I had same experience when I was trying to solve this problem. The dev team is trying their best, but sales simply has different priorities. As usually :laughing:

Fortunately I donā€™t have to work on the project which had this problem anymore. I learned my lesson with Auth0. The way their business prioritise roadmap push me look for another solutions for both B2B and B2C. My personal suggestion would be chose different solution for B2B if you need multiple domains. Waiting for major feature request like this 5 years is simply too much

Auth0 is robust and secure, but for B2C or big scaling it is not best solution. It is way too expensive and way to limiting