Activate Just-In-Time Team Membership for Dashboard SSO Integration with Auth0 Teams


Just-in-time (JIT) membership can automatically provision new team members with Tenant Member Management when a Dashboard SSO integration is enabled for a Team account.

Applies To

  • Just in Time (JIT) Provisioning
  • Auth0 Teams
  • Dashboard SSO integration
  • Tenant Member Management


This flow will enable an account to avoid sending tenant and team member invites.


The JIT Membership feature can be enabled by a Team Owner from the Security Policies section in the Team Dashboard.

The steps the users need to follow to log in with SSO and be created as members of the team are below:

  1. Access the Team Dashboard by navigating to{teams-permalink}
    • The teams identifier/teams-permalink can be seen in the address bar when viewing the Teams Dashboard or by going into the Teams “Settings” page
    • Note: logging in via the tenant dashboard ( will NOT trigger JIT provisioning, the new team member must use the Teams dashboard URL
  2. Log in using the “Continue with {your-SSO-connection}” button on the teams login page.
  3. At this point, they will see an empty team dashboard because they do not have a team role or a tenant under the team assigned to them.

Once they complete the above instructions, their user will be visible on the Members list for team owners.

Team Owners can assign the new team members a role in the team and assign them directly to the tenants with the corresponding dashboard access roles to avoid tenant invites.

Otherwise, these members can be invited from the Management Dashboard ( by the tenant admins of each tenant:

Related References