Will Auth0 be supporting Google Workspace as an Email provider with Oauth?

I’m trying to set up Google Workspace as an email provider and the SMTP less secure apps method is not working for me. Is there a plan to enable Google Workspace as an email provider using Oauth?


Hi @jimmy14mac

Welcome to the Auth0 Community!

Let me check with the Product team and I will update you as soon as I will have more insight regarding this topic!


Hi @dawid.matuszczyk,

Just wanted to follow up and confirm I was able to get smtp for Google Workspace to work. In case anyone needs the info in the future, it required creating and using an app password in addition to enabling “Less Secure Apps”.

Cheers :slight_smile:

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Hi @jimmy14mac

Thank you for the update; I’m glad you made it work. However, for the future, I would recommend that you configure a business-grade email provider for production use like the types we offer integrations with.
