Why are all database connections enabled for new SPA applications?

When I create a new SPA application using the Management API, why are all of my database connections enabled by default? I only want one database connection to be enabled.

This is what the call looks like:

await managementClient.createClient({
      name: event.ResourceProperties.SPAClientName,
      app_type: "spa",
      callbacks: event.ResourceProperties.Callbacks,
      allowed_logout_urls: event.ResourceProperties.AllowedLogoutURLs,
      web_origins: event.ResourceProperties.WebOrigins,
      allowed_origins: event.ResourceProperties.AllowedOrigins,
      allowed_clients: ["auth0-infra-db-connection-cole6"],
      oidc_conformant: true,
      grant_types: ["authorization_code", "implicit", "refresh_token"]


I figured this one out. In my Tenant Settings, on the Advanced tab, I turned off the “Enable Application Connections” setting. When this is turned on, all new clients have all connections enabled.

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Thanks a lot for sharing it with the rest of community!

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