When did the was the search function in the Auth0 Dashboard released?

Hey team,

Just curious, when did the dashboard get a global search function? Is there a limit to the number of applications/clients that are searched? I’m not seeing a client when I search for it.


Hi @dwoda,

Welcome back to the Auth0 Community!

I have asked our product team about this search feature and found that the current app search has limitations.

It can only search for the apps shown on each page, which is limited to 100 apps per page. This means you must go through the different pages and repeat the search to find the app you are looking for. Alternatively, you can search via the Management API using the client_id or filtering entries by app_type.

For the moment, we have an item in our backlog to improve this behavior, but it’s not planned for this year. This would be a great candidate to create a Feedback request so we can have the details on this need and prioritize its implementation in the future.


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Great, thanks Rueben!

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