Feature: Sorting and filtering on Applications list in Auth0 Dashboard
Description: In the Applications list on the Auth0 Dashboard the applications are sorted by name, but if you exceed 100 applications the list starts using pagination. When the list is split up in pages the overall sorting fails, because the frontend sorts the first 100 applications separately and when you go to page two the remaining applications are sorted separately.
This makes the search for applications difficult.
Use-case: We would like the sorting by name to cover all applications. It would also be nice to have a filtering on the application name to limit the list
Hey @Leif_Andersen thanks a bunch for the feedback, always appreciated! This request totally makes sense to me, let’s hope it gains some traction amongst community users
Are there any updates on this?
My organization would really benefit from this. We have 150+ pages of Applications due to multiple temporary clients being generated, rendering the UI useless for management purposes. the search functionality would make our lives much better.